A Twenty Year Dream: The Mascoma River Greenway in Lebanon is Complete

A Twenty Year Dream: The Mascoma River Greenway in Lebanon is Complete
October 10, 2018

The year was 1998 when recreation and parks director Cindy Heath envisioned a long and beautiful greenway that would extend from the Lebanon city commons to the Mascoma Lake.

And so, the task began with hours of planning, gathering thousands of volunteers and raising million in funds to get the project on its feet. In 2009, Heath retired, and the project was handed to Paul Coats and Frank Gould who took the last decade tirelessly rallying NHDOT and achieving numerous milestones, and in July 2018, twenty years later, the final stages of the project were completed!

The Greenway begins at the intersections of Mascoma, High and Mechanic Street and run parallel to US Rte 4 and weaves its way to Mascoma Lake with wonderful views of the lake, access to Miracle Mile shopping area, sculptures and more.

It has become a popular route with cyclists, families out for a bike ride, hikers, joggers and those who want to get some exercise.