Watch Poor Santa Clause Get Ejected By His Own Sleigh Mid-Parade

Source: Santa Plummets at Parade by ViralHog
Being Santa Claus looks like a simple job, right? The job entails showing up at parties where excited children are happy to see you, maybe bring some gifts, spend a little time having them sit on your lap and telling you that they were good and what they would like YOU to bring THEM for Christmas.
The hardest part about being Santa is delivering all those gifts in just one night. Well, that wasn’t the case for this poor Santa when he was on a Disneyland float in California.
A visitor at the theme park captured Santa perched on top of the float in his sleigh which suddenly toppled forward and sending Santa and his bag of gifts all over the float and ground. Fortunately, Santa was chained to the sleigh, so he didn’t go crashing to the ground.
And Santa being Santa, just dislodged himself, turned to the crowd, waved and belted out a hearty “Ho ho ho!” Even during a crisis Santa remained jolly.